when the manager of the bestate/b declared he needed the poles for work, the poles were set free, the ukrainians, however, numbering 16, were shot dead; among the persons shot was a 15 years old girl, eugenie tybyczuk (encl. 15). ...
W ramach Dni Szwecji w województwie lubelskim Szwedzi przyjechali również do Tyszowiec. Kiedy wójt gminy Tyszowce, Pan Józef Bondyra, powitał Szwedów słowami: "A więc witamy was w małej Szwecji tyszowieckiej". ...
When the manager of the estate declared he needed the Poles for work, the Poles were set free, the Ukrainians, however, numbering 16, were shot dead; among the persons shot was a 15 years old girl, Eugenie Tybyczuk (encl. 15). ...